Yes, You’re Probably Magnesium Deficient

Magnesium is the key to 42% of all enzymes in the human body. If you don’t have the key, how are you going to drive the vehicle?

3 min readMar 1, 2021

Posts about magnesium deficiency have been blowing up recently, and it’s time to address the elephant in the room.

Magnesium at a glance:

  • More than 50% of all patients hospitalized or deceased from cardiovascular disease show deficiency in magnesium.
  • Heart disease develops more quickly in the presence of magnesium deficiency.
  • More magnesium means lower insulin resistance (very beneficial for obese people).
  • Magnesium is more effective than anti-depressants and was successful in curing major depression for 88% of patients in one study.
  • With the availability of refined and processed foods, the vast majority of people in modern societies are at risk for magnesium deficiency.

People are starting to learn about magnesium deficiency

Reddit user discovers he’s been magnesium deficient for the past 5 years.
Viral Reddit post from yesterday describing the symptoms of magnesium deficiency.

A lot of people seem to believe it’s possible to overdose based on the recommended daily amount (RDA), but there’s been no evidence of any lethal effects up to 2000mg. The RDA is 300mg but you can take more, the only side effect being irritated bowels.

Famous Twitter herbalist “Grimhood”

What this means for us

Magnesium supplements have been linked to decreased depression symptoms, due to magnesium’s role in brain function impacting a person’s mood. Women have reported that magnesium helps with the mental effects of PMS, such as irritability.

Most people seek additional magnesium because of the role it plays with your muscles. Magnesium can help regulate the contraction and relaxation mechanism in your muscles. Because it gets rid of lactate (the chemical that makes you sore after you exercise) and moves blood sugar to the muscles.

In addition to exercise benefits, magnesium supplement users have less insulin production and lower stress hormone levels. Less insulin means you’re less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes, and less stress is good for everyone.

And what about the cons? The only con of magnesium is diarrhea and nausea — which most people don’t often experience.

The best form of magnesium

The overall best type of magnesium to take is Magnesium Glycinate. You will note if you have kidney problems, Chloride is best. If you are improving your cardiovascular health (heart) then Taurate is best. If you have brain issues- brain fog, brain injury, depression, then Threonate is best.

If you like baths, go with Epsom salts, they’re made of magnesium sulphate, containing magnesium, sulphur and oxygen. Epsom salts are named not because they have salt, but rather because of the way they look and dissolve in water.

When added to a warm bath, Epsom salts release magnesium ions into the water, which are believed to be absorbed into your body through the skin. Epsom salts are the best topical method for magnesium absorption.

Still not convinced?

Now I might not be your average soybean, but the point I’m getting at is this:

For the overwhelming majority of people, succeeding in life requires you to, at least in part, rewire how your brain operates.

There are just certain things we’ve all been programmed to believe that is only not useful in life… but can sometimes actually be detrimental.

And honestly?

This is one of the main reasons we wrote this article in the first place.

Because us at Wipebook?

We’ve been in your shoes.

We know what it’s like to suffer from magnesium deficiency.

And as such, we can certainly help you get out of it.

Which, is exactly what our goal is with this article, and we also try to help you improve your life with the rest of the posts on our page.




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